2022 Animals of Wakamatsu Farm (Donkey Cart Rides, Falconry, Bird Watching, Animal Tracking, Sheep Petting, Fishing & Learning About Garden Allies..)NEW
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Wakamatsu Tea & Silk Farm Colony
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Placerville, CA 95667 USA
Wakamatsu Open Farm Day Event - Animals Of Wakamatsu Farm. During this Open Farm Day we will be celebrating the animals of Wakamatsu Farm. Enjoy donkey cart rides, falconry, bird watching, animal tracking, sheep petting area, fishing and learning about garden allies.
Event Date
May 21, 2022
Event Time
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
About Wakamatsu Farm
A landmark historic farm in Placerville, California, Wakamatsu Farm is the original site of the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony established June 8, 1869.
* Site of 1st Japanese colony in USA
* Birthplace of 1st Japanese American
* Grave site of 1st Japanese immigrant & woman buried in USA
Owned by American River Conservancy, Wakamatsu farm is the site of the first Japanese colony in America. The property is cherished for its cultural history and natural resources. During Open Farm Days, explore the property at your own pace. Visit Okei-san’s 1871 grave site. Tour the Native Plant Garden. See the Graner Farmhouse while enjoying the shade of the 150 year-old Keyaki tree. Take a trip around the lake on the 1.5-mile trail. Picnics are welcome. Docents will be on-site, ready to share information and answer questions. Open Farm Days are suitable for most ages and capabilities. Points of interest are mostly outdoors and reached by dirt trail or unpaved road over generally flat terrain. At Wakamatsu Farm, seasonal produce and pre-orders for pick up are available from FogDog Farm. Requested Donation:$10 per vehicle. Buses and large vans are $5 per person. Additional donations are welcome. Visit ARConservancy.org/Wakamatsu for more information about the history of the farm. For questions, email [email protected]
Temperatures over 100 degrees, AQI over 150 or rain may lead to a cancellation.
COVID-19:On the day of the event, if you have flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms, fever or a cough, or you think you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please stay home. Participants are asked to maintain at least 6 feet distance from non-household members. Sneeze or cough into a tissue, cloth, elbow, or face covering/mask. For outdoor events and programs, we ask that event participants bring and wear a mask or face covering if they are unvaccinated and find themselves in close proximity to another participant not from their household.
Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.
Friday, 20 May, 2022
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