2016 Annual Gardena Valley JCI Matsuri Carnival is 2 Days (NEW on Sat - Ondo Dancing, Food, Games, Performances, Crafts, Bingo, etc.)NEW
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Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (JCI)
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Gardena, CA 90247
Bring the family for a fun-filled day at the 2016 GVJCI Matsuri-Carnival! �Come see what NEW booths & activities that we have in store for you!
Please come out and support one of our most popular fundraising events.�
June 25 & 26, 2016
Saturday, noon to 9:00 pm
Sunday, noon to 7:00 pm
New! �Ondo Dancing � SATURDAY, June 25th at 6:00pm � 8:00pm
Indoor/Outdoor Entertainment
Martial Arts Demonstrations
Raffle Drawings
Cultural Arts Displays
Hands-On Activities
Nursery & Produce Sale
Crafts & White Elephant Sale
** Ondo Dancing
Take out your happi coats, yukatas, kimonos, or just participate as you are, and get ready to have some FUN as we start off the Ondo (dancing) season! �This is a NEW addition for us & we hope that you are just as excited as we are here at the GVJCI to offer this popular event to the community!
Hope you can join in!
Food Booths -Get your taste buds ready! �Mouthwatering dishes will be sold from hot and cold udon, cold somen, chicken teriyaki & teri burgers, imagawayaki, chili hot dogs & rice, tamales, chirashi, spam musubi, to Okinawa andagi, lau lau, and inari. �
Game Booths � Where the FUN begins! �Community organizations and classes that are housed at GVJCI lend their volunteer support to run a variety of booths, which includes fun games for the young and old. �
Performances-Grab some food, relax and be entertained bythe many classes and programs held at the GVJCI! ��Taiko, hula, 'ukulele, line dancing, as well as, guest performers will perform throughout the weekend. �Come see what these performers learn throughout the year, and maybe you can join them at their weekly classes!
Martial Arts Demonstrations- Come and observe the various martial artists in action! �GVJCI's martial arts classes will be featured each day: �Shotokan Karate, Naginata, Gardena Judo, Gardena Kendo, Shorinji Kempo, Kyudo Renmei, and Gardena JCI Kendo. �Ever wonder what these various martial art disciplines entail? �This is the perfect time to catch a glimpse and see if one of these are for you or the family!
Outdoor Nursery and Produce Sale- Visit GVJCI's own Farmer's Market! �Supporting nurseries and produce businesses generously donate fresh vegetables, fruits, and beautiful plants for our Matsuri-Carnival sale. �Come and see what we have!
Holding Station � Do you ever get tired from holding all of your plants, produce, food items, or your white elephant treasures? �Well, fear no more�..take all of your belongings to our holding station. �You may check everything in and the Boy Scouts will keep a watchful eye on your items while you are able to stroll our Matsuri-Carnival "hands free".
Cultural Arts-Japanese Language School students' display, senior's art and crafts, and children's art will be displayed in the upstairs classrooms. Come and visit the origami hands-on activities creating fun and innovative shapes by folding paper.
The Bridge: JCI Heritage Center-Pay a visit and come see what we have upstairs! �Visit our Japanese cultural heritage library, our special tokonoma display, and our Japanese Language School student display. �Once again, the Tri-City CERT community organization will be hosting a booth upstairs. Come learn about disaster preparedness & basic first aid. �They will have FREE giveaways too! �
Table Tennis-New upstairs activity! �Bring some friends & compete to see who will be the reigning table tennis champion!
Bingo-Try your luck at Bingo! �Games begin at 4pm on Saturday, and 4pm on Sunday with chances to win cash prizes or gift cards! �
Prize Drawings-Don't forget to turn in your raffle stubs! �The raffle is held on both days of the Matsuri-Carnival, with prizes being donated by various businesses and individuals throughout the community. �Drawing winners need not be present to win.
Presale-Matsuri coupon books-Come by & purchase your tickets! �Tickets are currently being sold by GVJCI programs and supporting organizations, as well as, the GVJCI office for $10 per book prior to the Matsuri-Carnival. �The ten $1.00 coupons can be used as scrip at all carnival booths, as well as raffle drawings eligibility. �
For information and coupon books purchase, call GVJCI office at 310-324-6611 or email [email protected].
Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.
Sunday, 26 June, 2016
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