2015 Annual 43rd Cherry Blossom Festival - Denver Buddhist Temple - Sakura Square (2 days)NEW
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Denver Buddhist Temple - Sakura Square Plaza
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Denver, CO 80202
A Colorado celebration of Japanese-American Culture, food, music, dance, arts and crafts.
Featuring continuous live entertainment, arts and crafts, taiko drums, bonsai, Ikebana, and other exhibits, a feast of Japanese foods and much much more.
Among the entertainment will be Denver Taiko, whose rousing drum performances have in past years drawn the festival's biggest crowds, as well as performances of Japanese dance, koto and shamisen, and martial arts. Inside the Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple, attendees will find exhibits of ikebana (flower arrangement) and bonsai, and informative lectures on Buddhism. The temple's gymnasium is home to a variety of food and drink, including the popular teriyaki chicken dinner plate, beef udon (noodle) and vegetarian udon bowls, sushi, and delicious Japanese sweets called manju and mochi. Volunteers will be pouring complementary hot green tea, but if that's too much heat on a warm summer day, head downstairs to the beer garden for a cold glass and a refreshing bowl of chilled somen (noodles). Teriyaki burgers will also be available.
In addition, a selection of arts and crafts vendors will have you browsing through vintage kimono, handmade jewelry, Asian-inspired pottery, books and anime, dolls, fine art, Japanese Hawaiian T-shirts, and more. Nearly 40 booths, including a few informational ones tied to the Japanese-American community, will fill much of Lawrence Street. Stop by the shodo (calligraphy) booth to have your name or a favorite expression written in Japanese. Register at the benefit raffle and you could be a winner! You need not be present to win.
Although the Cherry Blossom Festival (in Japanese, Sakura Matsuri) raises funds for the Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples programs and operations, it relies on the volunteer efforts of temple members and nonmembers alike. Japanese-Americans, students of Asian studies, and aficionados of Japanese food, entertainment, and culture are all invited to help with the preparations for and running of the festival.
Sakura Matsuri in LoDo on Lawrence Street between 19th and 20th Streets.�
Look for us in Sakura Square.
Free admission
June 27 - 28, 2015
Sat: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sun: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bon Odori
Note: The Obon street dance will not take place in conjunction with this year's festival. Please visit the TriState Denver Buddhist Temple website for Obon information.
Obon Odori Practice
The Obon odori practice schedule is Sun-Thur. Practice begins each evening at 7:00 pm. The DBT Judo Dojo will be selling dinner food items each evening around 6-6:30
Weekend Schedule
A complete schedule and list of vendors and entertainment is posted below.�
June 27, Saturday
11:00 | Main Stage | Mirai Daiko, Japanese Drumming |
11:30 | Main Stage | DBT Dancers, Japanese Dancing by Temple Dharma School students |
11:30 | Hondo Lecture | Temple Overview and Introduction |
12:00 | Main Stage | Denver Buddhist Temple Aikido, Martial Arts |
12:30 | Main Stage | Denver Buddhist Temple Judo Dojo, Martial Arts |
12:30 | Hondo Demonstration | Ikebana |
1:00 | Main Stage | Denver Singing Club, Japanese Enka (traditional) Songs |
1:30 | Main Stage | Foothills Budokai, Martial Arts |
1:30 | Hondo Demonstration | Shōsho Calligraphy - overview |
2:00 | Main Stage | Ukelele Wahine and Kane Group, Hawaiian Ukelele and songs |
2:30 | Main Stage | Colorado Budokan, Martial Arts |
2:30 | Hondo Demonstration | Bonsai |
3:00 | Main Stage | Denver Kokuseiru Shigin Kai, Shigin � art of singing or chanting poetry |
3:30 | Main Stage | Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Hip Hop |
3:30 | Hondo Lecture | Temple Overview and Introduction |
3:45 | Main Stage | Junior Denver Taiko, Japanese Drumming |
4:15 | Main Stage | Denver Taiko, Japanese Drumming |
5:00 | Main Stage | Arlene Hattori Project |
June 28, Sunday
11:00 | Main Stage | Taiko with Toni and Lance, Japanese Drumming |
11:00 | Hondo Lecture | Temple Overview and Introduction |
11:30 | Main Stage | DBT Dancers, Japanese Dancing by Temple Dharma School students |
12:00 | Main Stage | Humu Humu Ukelele, Ukelele Group |
12:00 | Hondo Demonstration | Ikebana |
12:30 | Main Stage | Denver Buddhist Temple Aikido, Martial Arts |
1:00 | Main Stage | Denver Buddhist Temple Judo Dojo, Martial Arts |
1:00 | Hondo Demonstration | Shōsho Calligraphy - overview |
1:30 | Main Stage | Rocky Monutain Sankyoku, Koto, Samisen and Shakuhachi Music |
2:00 | Main Stage | Denver Singing Club, Japanese Enka (traditional) Songs |
2:00 | Hondo Demonstration | Bonsai |
2:30 | Main Stage | Temple Minyo Kai, Japanese Folk Dancing |
3:00 | Main Stage | Colorado Budokan, Martial Arts |
3:00 | Hondo Lecture | Temple Overview and Introduction |
Sakura Matsuri in LoDo on Lawrence Street between 19th and 20th Streets.� Look for us in Sakura Square.
Annual Cherry Blossom Festival - Denver Buddhist Temple (2 days)
Japanese Obon Festival & Bon Odori Schedule
[Please always confirm date & times, the schedule could change]
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Saturday, 27 June, 2015
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