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2015 Tanaka Farms Strawberry Tours Begin DailyNEW

SELECT DISTINCT e.PkID, e.Title, e.StartDate, e.StartTime, e.EndTime, e.TBD, e.Description, e.LocID, l.Name, l.Lat, l.Lon, e.SeriesID FROM hc_events e LEFT JOIN hc_locations l ON (e.LocID = l.PkID) WHERE (e.SeriesID = '56a5ad30239c9a0bc' OR e.LocID = '0') AND e.IsActive = 1 AND e.IsApproved = 1 AND e.StartDate >= '2025-03-13' ORDER BY e.Title, e.StartDate, e.TBD, e.StartTime
SELECT DISTINCT e.PkID, e.Title, e.StartDate, e.StartTime, e.EndTime, e.TBD, e.Description, e.LocID, l.Name, l.Lat, l.Lon, e.SeriesID FROM hc_events e LEFT JOIN hc_locations l ON (e.LocID = l.PkID) WHERE (e.SeriesID = '272' OR e.LocID = '272') AND e.IsActive = 1 AND e.IsApproved = 1 AND e.StartDate >= '2025-03-13' ORDER BY e.Title, e.StartDate, e.TBD, e.StartTime
Date: Friday, 8 May, 2015       Time: 9:30 pm - 2:30 pm
    No Additional Dates.                   
Tanaka Farms
5380 3/4 University Dr.
Irvine, CA 92612
Visit Location Website
Map of Tanaka Farms, 5380 3/4 University Dr.

Our Spring Strawberry Tours will begin on a daily basis.� Take a Tractor Ride around the farm, try different fruits and vegetables that we grow, and finally pick and eat delicious strawberries right out of the field.� Take home a 1 pound basket of strawberries.�

Starting our Strawberry tours in 1998 we started something in the heart of Irvine that some people still may not know that exist.� Something elders remember from there childhoods but young kids have never experienced.� Some place to pick your very own strawberries right off the vine.� Nothing taste better than a vine ripened Tanaka Farms Strawberry.� On this 1 hour tour, you will experience a tractor pulled wagon ride around the farm, see different fruits and vegetables growing, you will get to taste some fruits and vegetables, and at the very end you will get out and pick our very own strawberries.� Nothing beats the excitment of kids trying to find the biggest strawberries and then dripping the juice all over themselves.� The pictures speak for themselves.� Along with the fun and excitment it is also a great learning experience for the kids.� We will teach you the difference between a fruit and a vegetable and I bet the parents will even be amazed as well.

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Friday, 8 May, 2015

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