*42nd JACL National Convention (July 7-10) - Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and SpaNEW
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Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa
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Hollywood, CA 90028
The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) will be hosting the 42nd JACL National Convention from July 7-10, 2011 at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa in Hollywood, California.� This year's theme is "Making New Waves".
The 42nd JACL National Convention will feature a number of other exciting events for attendees that include but are not limited to the Welcome Reception at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Hollywood, the Awards Luncheon, and Culmination Banquet.�� A highlight of the Convention will be the 2011 Nikkei Conference on Saturday July 9, 2011, to address the "State of Japanese America".� It is a one-day conference co-hosted by the California Japanese American Community Leadership Council, and will bring together students, members, community leaders and the public from across the nation to engage in dialogue, envision, and plan for the future of the Japanese American community.� The Nikkei Conference is open to the general public.� Please register here: http://www.jacl.org/convention/la/registration.html
Founded in 1929, the JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization in the United States.� Over its 82 years in existence, the JACL has taken part in historic campaigns and championed important legislation such as the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 granting Redress and Reparations for Japanese Americans interned during World War II.
Public is Invited July 9th 2011
The public is invited to the 2011 Nikkei Conference to be held in conjunction with our JACL Convnetion.� The 2011 Nikkei Conference will be Saturday July 9, 2011 and will be a one-day conference that goes from 9-5. The purpose of this conference is to address the "State of Japanese America" (our theme for the conference) and a variety of workshops will be held in issues ranging from civil rights, to community preservation, to serving nikkei seniors, etc.
Click for Flyer
July 7-10, 2011
Daily Schedule
Thu, July 7: 7:30 am
Fri, July 8: 7:30 am
Sat, July 9: 7:30 am
Sun, July 10: 8:00 am
Click for Full Schedule
National Convention and Registration
Please visit:� www.jacl.org/convention
Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.
Sunday, 10 July, 2011
All Dates For This Event
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