Ippon 4 Nippon Throw-A-Thon @ Sawtelle Judo Dojo/RAISING FUNDS JAPANNEW
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Sawtelle Judo Dojo
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Los Angeles, CA 90025
The Southern California judo community has committed itself to raising funds for the on-going relief and recovery efforts in Japan through the "Ippon 4 Nippon throw-a-thon" held at�..�.
Sawtelle Judo Dojo, 2110 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA
@ 7:00 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2011
West Coast Invitational/Speed Harada Judo Tournament at Alta Loma High School @ 3:00 pm (approx.) on Sunday, May 15, 2011
And at the��
South Bay Judo, 2400 Jefferson St., Torrance, CA
@ 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 17, 2011
One throw-a-thon has already been held at Harbor Judo Club in Harbor City with members also from Taishi Judo Club.� Check out the videos on the Ippon 4 Nippon Facebook page.
In this fund raising exhibition, juniors will throw seniors only for one minute straight and as quickly and cleanly as possible.� Then, seniors will take their turns and throw each other for two minutes continuously.� In either case, they will showcase their judo skills, teamwork and physical fitness.� Come and be part of this judo demonstration.
To participate in the event, we ask that you make a donation.� Because of our affiliation, Nanka Judo will donate these funds directly to the Kodokan in Japan, the home of judo.
From there, the funds will be forwarded to the devastated communities in northeast Japan ravaged by the gigantic tsunami waves and the on-going nuclear crisis following the March 11th mega-earthquake. In our way, we will do our part for the benefit of others in need.
For more information, updates and photos and videos, please visit our website at Ippon4Nippon.org.
Thank you from the Southern California Judo Black Belt Association or Nanka Judo Yudanshakai.
Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.
Wednesday, 11 May, 2011
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