Yu-Ai Kai's Annual Nihomachi RunNEW
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San Jose, CA 95112 USA
San Jose-Yu-Ai Kai/Japanese American Community Senior Service will continue to sponsor the annual Nihonmachi Run/Walk For All Ages, this year on Sunday May 1st. The Run/Walk will start at 9:00am and walk-up registration is welcome beginning at 8:00am. This run is an annual favorite of the young and the young at heart since it offers a flat, safe and pleasant three-mile course around the Japantown area of San Jose. Prefer a shorter course? We offer a one-mile course that takes you through the heart of Japantown and the Japantown Certified Farmers' Market (which is held every Sunday from 8:30 to noon).
May 1st
9 am
We're excited to announce that while the route for the Run will be exactly the same as in the past, this year the Awards Ceremony will be held in the rear of Yu-Ai Kai's Akiyama Wellness Center at 110 Jackson Street, a short walk across the parking lot from Yu-Ai Kai.
Prizes will be awarded in six different age categories � 36 prizes in all. We will award prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in the 3-mile run for men and for women in each age division: 12 & under, 13-19, 20-39, 40-59, 60-69, and 70 & over. There will also be prizes awarded for the Largest Family Group, the Best Costumed Runners/Walkers and for the Most Sponsor Money Raised.
Since this event is also a fundraiser for Yu-Ai Kai, we suggest that you sign up sponsors and generate tax-deductible donations. Run/Walk registration is FREE to each individual who raises $65 or more in sponsor donations.
Guarantee that you receive a Run T-shirt by sending your registration form and low-cost entry fee to arrive at Yu-Ai Kai by Monday, April 25th. A registration form is included in this newsletter for your convenience; forms are also available at the Yu-Ai Kai Community Center and on our website: www.yuaikai.org.� Entries can be paid by Master Card, Visa ,or check.� Also new this year is online payment via Yu-Ai Kai's "PayPal button" which can be found on the Yu-Ai Kai website.
Immediately following the Awards Ceremony, please join us at the annual Health Fair at the new Akiyama Wellness Center, which provides free massages and a wide variety of other health-related measurements.� The newly-formed Japantown Lions Club will also be there with the AJ Robinson Foundation Mobile Screening Van.
See you there!!
April 11, 2011
Contact: Dour Ray, Nihonmachi Run Committee Chair
Yu-Ai Kai
588 N. 4th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 294-2505
(408) 294-0343 FAX
Email:� www.yuaikai.org
Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.
Sunday, 1 May, 2011
Event Contact
Doug RayPhone: (408) 294-2505
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