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Little Tokyo Walking Tour in Downtown Los AngelesNEW

SELECT DISTINCT e.PkID, e.Title, e.StartDate, e.StartTime, e.EndTime, e.TBD, e.Description, e.LocID, l.Name, l.Lat, l.Lon, e.SeriesID FROM hc_events e LEFT JOIN hc_locations l ON (e.LocID = l.PkID) WHERE (e.SeriesID = '4c4ced2a640f87a6c' OR e.LocID = '0') AND e.IsActive = 1 AND e.IsApproved = 1 AND e.StartDate >= '2025-03-12' ORDER BY e.Title, e.StartDate, e.TBD, e.StartTime
SELECT DISTINCT e.PkID, e.Title, e.StartDate, e.StartTime, e.EndTime, e.TBD, e.Description, e.LocID, l.Name, l.Lat, l.Lon, e.SeriesID FROM hc_events e LEFT JOIN hc_locations l ON (e.LocID = l.PkID) WHERE (e.SeriesID = '6' OR e.LocID = '6') AND e.IsActive = 1 AND e.IsApproved = 1 AND e.StartDate >= '2025-03-12' ORDER BY e.Title, e.StartDate, e.TBD, e.StartTime
Date: Saturday, 29 October, 2011       Time: 10:15 am
    No Additional Dates.                   
Map of Japanese American National Museum (JANM), Los Angeles, Japantown Little Tokyo, 100 N. Central Avenue

Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents.

$9 Members; $14 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.

Downtown Little Tokyo, Los Angeles

Usually last Sat of the month
*Please call to confim

Available parking lots and structures close to JANM building

Disclaimer: Please double check all information provided on our platform with the official website for complete accuracy and up-to-date details.


Saturday, 29 October, 2011

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