In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...
In the documentary, revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work; his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living...