Glendale Public Library
Event Location
Glendale, CA 91205
The Glendale Public Library is leading the event with special help from the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. Local individuals, high school students, groups and businesses are participating in and supporting it. The One Book/One City program began in Seattle in 1998 and spread throughout the U.S. This is Glendale's first citywide reading event.
Individuals can start reading the book in summer and then participate in book groups that will meet throughout the city in September and October. The Library has hundreds of copies of the book that can be borrowed. Local book groups can borrow book group kits from the library. Public book discussion groups are scheduled at libraries, book stores and coffee houses throughout Glendale. Some high school classes will also read and discuss When The Emperor Was Divine.
Phone: (818) 548-2030Location Website
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(For Event Information See Event Website Page)
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